Saturday, June 9, 2012

Get Real and Get Modest! Part One!

Okay ladies. (And guys too, but I can definitely speak from a girls perspective)... What It looks like I'm going to say isn't what I'm going to say. Confused? Yeah, I know the feeling. Normally in an article like this you would hear about how your supposed to put some clothes on, and start paying attention to what you wear, and stop being selfish, and la da dee dee da. Well I'm going to share a different take on it, just some thought that have been aimlessly parading through my head as of recently....
Okay. So, I believe that you should change from the inside out. Not from the outside in. I don't think that just because your a girl who calls yourself a Christian doesn't mean that you should dress modestly. "Oh I'm saved now, well let me go buy some of those shorts that are a wee bit longer and buy some guy tanks to layer with so I don't show any honey when I bend forward! Time to be modest, because that's what I'm supposed to do!" Ha, ha, ha, puh-leeaz. Give me a break. Now, given, covering up is SOO not a bad thing. In fact, it's very beneficial. But what matters SO much more is your reasons for being modest. I think that's one of the things Ill be blabbing about right now are those reasons, and also that it's not all about the clothing. There's so much more to modesty than clothes. Granted, most people will judge by appearance. So keep that in mind, what kind of image you are putting out when you claim to be a devoted follower and lover of Jesus Christ. But let's take a peek into another take on modesty. My take on modesty.
Okay well Im not much for beating around the bush, okay well sometimes, but not today! Haha. So here goes.
I looked up the definition of modesty on, and found a couple of interesting things.
Here are some of the definitions:
1. The quality of being modest; freedom from vanity, boastfulness, etc.
2. Regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
3. Simplicity; moderation.

Notice that the first definition had nothing to do with the outward appearance! Actually, I kind of like the refreshing way they put it: Freedom from vanity, bragging, and showing off(etc., etc...). I love that first word. FREEDOM. Mmm. Drink it in folks, because it's something you don't see much of in its truest form!
Freedom from feeling the need to show off(which I conclude is a form of insecurity.....) which means we are more confident in who we are. Confident enough that we dont need to show off (this means how we carry ourselves, and also how we dress) because we know that inside we are actually pretty dang cool! Why would we advertise for something that is already great? (Its not like we are anything that should be bought and sold!) And the type of guy you should be wanting? Well, he probably won't be attracted to you if you ARE advertising. (That was a statement that has been tried and true in my own life, and in the lives of many other girls I know!)
*Remember, our physical body and thoughts of our physical body, are meant for ONE MAN and ONE MAN ONLY. And that man will be a man of God who wants us first not for our phyisical body but for the beauty, spunk, and uniqueness of our hearts and the humble, gentle, quietness of our soul before God, and the world.*
Sometimes putting ourselves out there, and trying to impress others(especially desirable guys), is something we learn from culture; it can easily become a habit we practice every day, and turn into a lifestyle! How terrible! We put so much effort into trying to make others think we are great, and somehow our view of the cool person we really are gets leeched out by who we are trying to become.
Who are we trying to become anyways?
Is showing off to get attention (because we feel like we need people to like us to be happy) really who we are, or who we want to be? I don't think it is.
Of course we want people to like us, I think everybody does. We all want to be accepted and thought of as great, and unique. But when you are crying out for attention, you are going to attract others who are crying out for attention as well. Misery loves company, they say. And you know what my old youth pastor used to say? "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." Not a very promising situation, huh?
Yup...I just went there. I know, I'm still trying to believe it too.
Stop and take a breather, because all this just got reaaaally deep! :P

Breathe in, breathe out. There!

Okay. So, we are looking at the face of the issue I dug up. I opened a can of worms, and now the question is, how do we solve the problem?
Well.......sorry to say it, (actually I'm not sorry to say it at all..) we don't! We don't fix the problem. We can't. We can't. (Emphasis on that fact that we are unable to- O.K. I think you get the point. You probably just think I'm crazy and are wondering where I'm going with this. Patience, my dear child..)
So, read this very slowly and try to follow along. Re-read it a few times if you have to, but please, i beg you, let it soak in.
Modesty comes from the inside ~ If it doesn't come from the inside, but only stems from the outside, (or if there just isn't any modesty at all,) then there is an inner problem ~ The inner problem is either a lack of knowlege, insecurity, or vanity ~ All of those signal a void; a hole in ourselves that is not being filled ~ That void is where the passionate love of Jesus Christ is meant to consume us; wreck us; and transform us ~

Ladies and gentlemen, I have just given away the answer to basically all of your problems and issues you have ever had and ever will have. But especially I have given away the only way to solve the inner issue we've been talking about. Insecurities.
How did this post go from modesty (or immodesty) to insecurities? Simple. They both are related and both stem from matters of the heart. And now we are getting into the heart of the matter.

 For atleast the next minute, I want you to throw away everything about God that you think you know. Yes, everything. Good and bad. (Lets start on a fresh thought train just for the sake of you possibly understanding what Im about to throw at cha!)

Any physical immodesty, outward immodesty, insecurity, any anything that confuses you about who you are and who you are supposed to be, can be taken away and beautifully replaced by the unfailing, and no-strings-attached love of Jesus.
When you open yourself to the fact that no matter what your doing, who you are being, and where you have been, you can always fall on your knees, or in my case, flop on my bed and say "Hey's me again. I really need you. I want to want you. Help me, because you know I can't do this by myself. I love me your love; you say in your word that if I ask, you shall give, and I know you want to give me your love; we both know I don't deserve it; but I can have it thanks to the cross- Let me experience your tangible holy spirit and love like never before. I want it, Jesus. I want you!"
Thats it. All we have to do is be real with Him.

You dont have to change for Jesus to love you. He will prompt your heart to change. If something has been on your mind lately that you feel like you could change, or something that you should change, then that is the Holy Spirit working on your heart about that. Work with him, not against. Just because you have the freedom and grace of Christs love doesn't mean that we shouldn't love Him back. Love goes both ways. We can worship and love Him by drawing near to him and praising Him, but also by responding and genuinely living out the love of God.  That includes obeying Him when he prompts our heart towards steps of change. Sometimes, and most of the times, they are baby steps.

 Peace out for now <3

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jesus is AWESOME!

I am realizing more and more, that this Journey to the heart of the God is MUCH more mind-blowing and amazing then I ever thought possible.
God; this unimaginably powerful, majestic, glorious, perfect being- who always was, always is, and always will be; He created the galaxies, planets, stars, and every mystery in space....but He also thought up, and chose to create carefully, the butterfly- a frail but graceful creature, who's sole purpose in life is to drink from the sweet nectar which flowers create, and flutter around with delicate wings, and lay eggs which will someday turn into caterpillars, which will someday  transform into another butterfly...and the whole simple, but admirable, process begins again and again without end!!!!!!
Who is this God, and WHY did He make ME?
Why does He choose to chase after me, like a lover so completely overcome with undying, selfless love for someone?
Why does He care about my every though- my every word- and constantly is dreaming of me?
Why can He not STAND the thought of me being away from Him for even a moment- much less eternity!? So much so, that he would send His most beloved Son, Jesus, to come and become a love sacrifice to atone for my sin?
And why was Jesus so wholly willing to do what it took for me to have the choice to fall in love with Him and be cleansed from all my filthy unrighteousness?
Why was He thinking of me with love when he hung on that rugged cross, carrying every sinful deed I have done- word I have spoken- or thought I have ever thought? When I and everyone of my kind were the ones nailing his wrists there?
Why is there always another chance to choose Him every morning?

I may never find out the answer. Or maybe the answer is just the amazingness of God. Because He is SO amazing. I want to live my life in the role He wants me to play in His awesome plan for this planet. Until he comes back.....I want my life to be solid proof that He exists, and that His love is greater than life itself<3