Monday, September 24, 2012

Called Out, Brought In

In one way or another, God is calling each of us out. Calling us out of our everyday routine, or out of the mediocrity of lukewarm Christianity. Maybe he's calling you out of sin, out of something that you are involved in or doing that you know you shouldn't be.
The reason he calls us out is because he has something WAY better for us! When we are in the mud and the mire, he just holds out his nail-pierced hands and says "My love, my love..I have so much better for you. My plans for your life are hand-crafted and so much more than this. My plans for you are, in all reality, mind-blowing; you and I will touch so many lives. You and I will change the world, one step at a time. Please, take my hand, and I will pull you out of this sinking sand."
And so many times, we shake our heads no, and sink farther down....hoping, maybe, that nobody will see the things that the mud is covering up. That even Jesus will not see the things, little or large, that we feel guilty about or are ashamed of.
I'm going to let the bible do the talking for a moment here.
"What benefits did you gain from doing the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!" (Romans 6:21)
Thank you, Paul. 
Hence the term, "dirty little secret"? I think so.
When you hide things from anyone, or God, it begins to grow, sort of like bacteria.
"If you're not feeding your spirit person, then chances are, you're feeding your sinful nature."
Keeping it in the dark. Feeding it every so often with your actions or thought life. Do you think that you can control whether or not it grows? When you hide it, deny it, or downsize the seriousness of it, you are blinding yourself from seeing how fast its growing. Oh, and it will grow. Things like that don't remain stagnant. You either get rid of it, or it keeps growing.

I think, honestly, I was called out yesterday! At the Called Out by Get Real event. That title alone should tell you that you are about to get called out. Maybe that's why some girls didn't come...oh...
I got called out yesterday when I was listening to the speakers. I was reminded that I was taking part in something was bigger than me. I was also reminded that God was leading me in a direction bigger then I keep on thinking. As I looked around the huge venue that God provided for our event. I was really starstruck by everything God did for our event. I realized that he really did have his hand in what we were doing. And I was getting to be a part in it. I was interviewing this women's basketball star, in front of who-knows-what news stations. You don't get that opportunity every day. Not very many people ever get a chance like that. I got to ask her questions and listen to her testimony.

I just had this....feeling.....the entire event. I can't shake the feeling. I know God has big things for me.
I want to write a book. I have no idea how, or what the book should be about, but I felt God calling me out of my day-to-day life to start thinking about the bigger picture. Reaching lives....reaching out and opening my heart and life. Because I think that if other girls hear my thoughts then they would really be able to relate! I also think that I will be teaching. I don't know. But it opened my eyes to the huge playing field before me of opportunities.

God is calling me out of my every day life. He wants me to live in preparation for the things he has for me. I honestly have no idea how I am supposed to do that, besides just pursuing God and keeping my eyes on the prize, so to speak, instead of getting obsessed and intertwined with the little distractions of everyday life.

I am so excited about what he is doing and what he is going to do through me. I'm ready to get off of my butt and start getting some things done for the Kingdom!!! :)

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